Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Magnus Carlsen wins the right to play Viswanathan Anand for the World Chess Championship after he won(A sloppy RD.14)Candidates Tournament 2013.Congratulations to Magnus Carlsen.He will play in what I dubb as"The Chess Match Of The Century II"The whole World will STOP to watch this one.I predicted that either Kramnik or Carlsen would win this Candidates Tournament and I was correct.In an article "The Indian Express" Anand says"'Carlsen will be ridiculously difficult to play against' to make such a statement in my mind is almost a resignation before the match starts,although the statement is correct.Mr. Anand do you not know that you my dear Sir are GREAT?Do you not know that you Sir are an exceptional player and worthy of the throne?Please Mr.Anand do not psych yourself out BEFORE the match starts.In the Candidates Tournament Mr.Carlsen showed himself to be a mere mortal just like us when in effect he got tired near the end and the strain got to him while Kramnik went on a rampage and imploded at the last round as did Carlsen.Kramnik was just waiting to see the outcome of Carlsen's game perhaps.The stakes were high and the last round just crashed.In the upcoming match Anand just has to play good chess and I predict there will be few wins in this match with LOTS of draws.If Anand retains his title then he must be considered one of the Greatest of the Greats.This will be Anand's Greatest Challenge to date.This will be a monumental Match.


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